Verticality / corridors
Favourites/ best compositioned
I ended up with around 30 images that inspired me the most. Their compositions, tone and sharpness were very different and I could imagine lots of different objects or situations in each of them. I found that each of them had an individual quality that could perhaps become stronger if I connected them to a thematic series. I printed the photos and started grouping them in series of themes from how I analysed them, after which I photographed them as documentation and remembrance. I found that an obvious appearance would be the abstracted glasses turning clearer at the end of the series. Another common denominator was the appearance of vertical compositions getting more articulated at the end. Then I saw the appearance of blurred waterfalls from a distance, zooming closer to the very substance at the end. Finally I turned the images horizontal and found various abstracted landscapes again very abstracted turning more obvious. Well, again, nothing in these images is obvious, as it is only my individual analyze and understanding of them.